Centre for the Study of Modern Pottery – G. Psaropoulos Foundation

from 17:30  Registration, demonstration by a Cretan Master Potter, Welcome reception




Central Building of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Ceremonial Hall

09:00  Registration (follow)

10:00  Opening Ceremony, Inaugural Speeches

11:00  Keynote Lecture
D. Papanikola-Bakirtzi, Byzantine Glazed Ceramics-Twenty Years After (1999-2019)

Central Building of the NKUA, “A. Argyriadis” Amphitheater

ΤΗΕΜΕ 1 Workshops and ceramic technology

12:00-12:20  V. Filipe, T. Manuel-Casimiro, J. P. Henriques, A. Krus, By fire and clay. A 15th century kiln site in downtown Lisbon

12:20-12:40  A. Teixeira, A. Castro, J. B. Torres, T. Curado, N. A. de Paula, Pottery kilns in Mouraria (Lisbon, Portugal): archaeological evidences of a 16th and 17th centuries workshop

12:40-13:00  J. G. Araújo, N’Z. Oliveira, Azorean local pottery: the convent of Nossa Senhora da Esperança case (16th-19th centuries)

13:00-13:20  T. Manuel-Casimiro, R. Varela-Gomes, M. Varela-Gomes, Portuguese faience in the world. Recent discoveries and future directions

13:20-13:40  P. López Torres, D. Martínez López, La producción alfarera sevillana en época taifa

13:40-14:00  Discussion

14:00-16:00  Lunch Break

16:00-16:20  E. Salinas, J. Molera, T. Pradell, Glaze technology in the Early Islamic workshops of the Iberian Peninsula: fritting vessels, kiln furniture and production debris

16:20-16:40  F. Grassi, Craft production and social complexity in Early Medieval Castile (Spain)

16:40-17:00  A. García Porras, C. Duckworth, K. Welham, D. G. Edwards, L. Martín Ramos, I. Galán Cantón, M. J. Peregrina Sánchez, A. Velo Gala, Los talleres artesanales de la Alhambra. Espacios y materiales

17:00-17:20  M. Bosch, M. Leenhardt, J. Thiriot, Visite ethnoarchéologique des dernières potières utilisant la tournette dans la région de Zamora (octobre 1988)

17:20-17:40  A. Cloarec–Quillon, La céramique de l’atelier de potier des IXe-XIIe siècles à Saleilles (Pyrénées-Orientales)

17:40-18:00  H. Amouric, L. Vallauri, Effet de mode ou transfert de savoir-faire entre Pise et Moustiers? Les ateliers de Moustiers et leurs filiales en Provence aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles

18:00-18:20  Discussion

18:20-18:40  Coffee Break

18:40-19:00  V. Valenzano, Nuovi dati sui manufatti in ceramica nella Puglia centro settentrionale tra l’XI e gli inizi del XIII secolo

19:00-19:20  M. Giorgio, Pisan pottery in 16th and 17th centuries: production and exportation

19:20-19:40  F. A. Cuteri, G. Hyeraci, La grande discarica di ceramiche rinascimentali e moderne di Soriano e Sorianello (Calabria). Aspetti tipologici e considerazioni sull’attività produttiva

19:40-20:00  H. Blake, From maiolica to terracotta: an industrial reconversion in the Arno valley in the early modern period

20:00-20:20  I. Serrat, A. Fili, Α. S. Ettahiri, The Cuerda Seca of Fès: archaeological contexts, morphological and stylistic study

20:20-20:40  Discussion




National Research Foundation, “L.Zervas” Amphitheatre

ΤΗΕΜΕ 1 Workshops and ceramic technology

09:00-09:20  T. Manuel-Casimiro, A. Valongo, Leave the pots. Take the cannoli. Italian ceramic consumption in late 15th and early 16th century Lisbon

09:20-09:40  F. Parent, V. François, Au moins sept siècles d’activité potière à Alger (Xe-XIIIe et XVIe-début XIXe siècles)

09:40-10:00  Ι. Shaddoud, Nouveau centre de production de poterie au Nord Liban: l’atelier d’Enfeh à l’époque mamelouke

10:00-10:20  V. François, Western Islamic influences in the production of pottery in Nicosia during the 13th century. From an island to another one

10:20-10:40  N. Özkul Fındık, Misis (Mopsuestia) ceramics and kilns

10:40-11:00  Discussion

11:00-11:20  Coffee Break

11:20-11:40  A. N. Maslovskiy, The Golden Horde city of Azak as a 14th century center of glazed pottery production

11:40-12:00  A. N. Maslovskiy, N. I. Iudin, Chemical vessels in Azak and other cities of the Golden Horde

12:00-12:20  Μ. Christova-Penkova, Α. Petrova, Luxury pottery from Medieval Vratitsa

12:20-12:40  V. Bikić, Re-interpretation of Byzantine Pottery Design in Medieval Serbia: New Data on Slip-painted Ware from Novo Brdo

12:40-13.00  P. Armstrong, Byzantine Polychrome Ware: A class apart?

13:00-13:20  Discussion

13:20-15:00  Lunch Break

15:00-16:00  Poster Session I
A. G. Yangaki, Presentation of a short photographic exhibition «The bacini in churches of Crete»

ΤΗΕΜΕ 2 Ceramology and archaeometry

16:00-16:20  M. Beltrame, A. Candeias, H. Catarino, M. Liberato, I. Fernades, J. Santos, S. Gomez Martinez, J. Bugalhão, M. Conçalves, F. Branco, L. Gançalves, J. Mirão, V. Filipe, No destructive investigation of islamic and post islamic ceramics (X-XIII centuries) from Portugal: New insight on pottery characteristics and trades

16:20-16:40  M. Karagiannopoulou, Archaeometric study of Islamic Almohad pottery from Silves, Portugal

16:40-17:00  E. Salinas, M. C. Íñiguez, M. J. Gonçalves, S. Gómez, The beginnings of the glaze technology in Garb al-Andalus (south-west of the Iberian Peninsula) during the 9th-10th centuries: archaeometric analysis and historic interpretations

17:00-17:20  J. Molera, T. Pradell, F. Melero, N. Ruiz, D. D. Florido, M. Á. Sabastro, Estudio arqueométrico de la cerámica nazarí de Málaga

17:20-17:40  J. Beltrán de Heredia Bercero, N. Miro i Alaix, El horizonte cerámico del siglo XVIII en Barcelona: producciones locales e importaciones

17:40-18:00  G. Bianchi, Α. Briano, E. Sibilia, NEU-Med Project: new archaeometric analysis on sparse glazed ware of Southern Tuscany

18:00-18:20  Discussion

18:20-18:40  Coffee Break

18:40-19:00  N. Poulou-Papadimitriou, E. Nodarou, The 12th century under the microscope: Middle Byzantine pottery from Crete

19:00-19:20  E. Kiriatzi, M. Georgakopoulou, J. Vroom, Production and Consumption of Glazed and Unglazed Pottery in the Middle Byzantine Period: a view from Kythera

19:20-19:40  F. Liard, E. Kiriatzi, N. Mueller, A. Ben Amara, R. Chapoulie, G. D. R. Sanders, F. Kondyli, The diffusion of pottery products, decorative styles and craft technology in the late medieval Mediterranean: a Greek perspective.

19:40-20:00  E. Aidona, G. Polymeris, D. Kondopoulou, K. Raptis, Aik. Tsanana, Dating of late Byzantine and Ottoman kilns from N. Greece: New evidence from archaeomagnetic and luminescence methods

20:00-20:20  Y. Waksman, A new Pottery Workshop in Constantinople/Istanbul and new archaeometric results on Byzantine White Wares

20:20-20:40  J. Burlot, Y. Waksman, A. Ricci, R. Wohmann, Integrating archaeological and archaeometric data: examining late Byzantine pottery from Küçükyalı

20:40-21:00  Discussion




07:30  Departure for Thebes and Chalkis

09:00  Visit of the Archaeological Museum of Thebes and the Medieval Tower

12:00  Arrival at the Archaeological Museum of Chalkis “Arethousa”, Welcome Speeches

12:45-14:10  Light buffet

14:10-14:30  S. Arvaniti, An overview of the ceramic evidence from Kadmeia / Thebes, from 13th to 19th c.

14:30-14:50  S. Skartsis, G. Vaxevanis, J. Baker, New evidence for the material culture of Medieval Chalkis

14:50-15:10  N. Kontogiannis, S. Skartsis, New evidence for ceramic use in Chalkis from the Byzantine to the Modern Period

15:10-15:30  J. Vroom, Pottery finds from Byzantine and Frankish Chalkis (ca. 11th-13th centuries AD)

15:30-15:50  Y. Waksman, The contribution of archaeometry to the study of Medieval and Post-Medieval pottery production in Thebes and Chalkis

15:50-16:10  Discussion

16:10-17:40  Hands-on Pottery Display of Chalkis byzantine workshops

17:40  Departure from Chalkis

19:30  History Museum of the University of Athens
Inauguration of the Exhibition “7 Clay stories from Arta. 16th – 18th c.”




National Hellenic Research Foundation, “L. Zervas” Amphitheater

ΤΗΕΜΕ 3 Pottery as a factor of commercial exchanges and shipwrecks

09:00-09:20  M. Liberato, J. Bugalhão, I. C. Fernandes, S. Gómez-Martinez, S. Gomes, M. J. Gonçalves, I. Inácio, C. Santos, H. Catarino, S. Cavaco, C. Coelho, J. Covaneiro, Islamic tradition pottery in portuguese contexts. 12th-14th centuries

09:20-09:40  R. Azuar Ruiz, O. Inglese Carreras, Contenedores cerámicos de transporte marítimo en al-Andalus (SS. X-XIII)

09:40-10:00  J. Coll Conesa, S. Puggioni, El hallazgo subacuático de “El Puig” (Valencia, España). Un conjunto de lozas del siglo XIV

10:00-10:20  M. Busto Zapico, European pottery trade in the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula during the Modern Age. The role of Asturias

10:20-10:40  Discussion

10:40-11:00  Coffee Break

11:00-11:20  B. Romagnan, La céramique en usage en Provence orientale: les cas du port de Saint-Tropez et de la ville de Fréjus (XVIe-XIXe s.) au travers des sources écrites

11:20-11:40  H. Amouric, T. Volpe, La céramique en usage en Provence orientale. Les cas de Grasse et Antibes aux XVIe-XVIIIe siècles, au travers des sources écrites

11:40-12:00  V. Sacco, Palermo’s trade between the end of 9th and the 12th century through the ceramic data

12:00-12:20  M. Leo Imperiale, P. Caprino, Un inedito gruppo di ceramiche di età normanno-sveva da Brindisi e le importazioni in Puglia tra XII e inizi XIII secolo

12:20-12:40  C. Talmatchi, Contributions to the study of imported ceramics from 10th-11th centuries discovered at the Danube Mouths (South–East of Romania)

12:40-13:00  M. Manolova-Voykova, Pottery import to the West Black Sea coast (13th– mid 15th centuries)

13:00-13:20  Discussion

13:20-15:00  Lunch Break

15:00-16:30  Poster Session II
E. Hasaki, K. Raptis, Presentation of The WebAtlas of Ceramic Kilns in Ancient Greece

16:30-16:50  R. Koleva, Byzantine sgraffito pottery from northern Thrace – characteristics, provenance and distribution

16:50-17:10  E. Metalla, Un regard analytique sur les amphores médiévales provenant de Durrës, Albanie

17:10-17:30  K. A. Tsompanidis, X. Argyri, Κεραμική της Ιβηρικής Χερσονήσου από τον Εμπορικό Λιμένα της Ρόδου

17:30-17:50  E. J. Stern, Setting the Table in Mamluk Ṣafad: Local, Regional and Imported Ceramics

17:50-18:10  Discussion

18:10-18:30  Coffee Break

18:30-20:30  General Assembly of the AIECM3 members




National Hellenic Research Foundation, “L. Zervas” Amphitheater

ΤΗΕΜΕ 4 Pottery as a factor of social cohesion or differentiation

09:00-09:20  T. Ramos, Ceramics in Transition: a comparative study between early and late medieval pottery from Guarda (Portugal)

09:20-09:40  F. Melero García, La evolución de las alfarerías en la Málaga andalusí

09:40-10:00  H. Amouric, L. Vallauri, J.-L. Vayssettes, Marques et signatures sur les terres vernissées de Provence et Languedoc à l’époque moderne: exception, tradition ou certification?

10:00-10:20  R. G. Lombardi, I. M. Muntoni, La céramique comme facteur de cohésion sociale dans un établissement urbain à Barletta (Italie – VIe-XVIe s.)

10:20-10:40  A. Panetta, Ligurian Bowls and Chinese Boxes: the cultural biography of medieval “Graffita Arcaica Tirrenica” pottery

10:40-11:00  F. Ravoire, J. Cazassus-Bérard, A. Bolle, A. Jégouzo, Les céramiques comme élément de compréhension des différenciations sociales: l’exemple de Saint-Pierre de la Martinique au XIXe siècle

11:00-11:20  Discussion

11:20-11:40  Coffee Break

11:40-12:00  A. Fili, I. Serrat, A. S. Ettahiri, J.-P. Van Staëvel, Glazed pottery in Igiliz: specimen for the interpretation of the Almohad territory

12:00-12:20  E. Strothenke, Glazed pottery as an indicator of political and historical changes? archaeological and archaeometrical analyses on material of South–Eastern Anatolia

12:20-12:40  G. Guionova, Importation de porcelaine et faïence en Bulgarie aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles

12:40-13:00  V. Vlahos, Η κεραμική στη περιοχή των Πρεσπών κατά την ύστερη Οθωμανική περίοδο. Οι περιπτώσεις των αγγειοπλαστικών κέντρων της Φλώρινας και της Ρέσνα

13:00-13:20  Κ. Koyias, Τα ενεπίγραφα κεραμικά της Στρούγκας Οχρίδας κατά τον 19ο αιώνα

13:20-13:40  Κ. Nikolopoulou, Ματιές στην κοινωνία και το εμπόριο του 19ου και 20ου αι. μέσα από τα σερβίτσια φαγεντιανής και πορσελάνης της Πλάκας: η περίπτωση του «Διογενείου» Γυμνασίου

13:40-14:00  Discussion

14:00-15:30  Lunch Break

15:30-15:50  Ch. Diamanti, Ch. Sakellakou, Aik. Dellaporta, Protective inscriptions on ceramic sherds of post-Byzantine burials

15:50-16:10  E. Katsara, An assemblage of luxurious byzantine glazed tableware (late 12th-early 13th century) from a pit at Sparta, Laconia. Observations on provenance issues and social, economic and historical context

16:10-16:30  A. G. Yangaki, The bacini in churches of the Mesa Mani

16:30-16:50  A. Nicolaïdes, S. Perdikis, Post Byzantine Churches with Bacini Ware Decoration in Cyprus

16:50-17:10  Α. Ballian, Iznik ceramics and Greek church decoration

17:10-17:30  Μ. Μoraïtou, Iznik ceramics for Christian clients and the Benaki Museum examples

17:30-17:50  Discussion

17:50-18:10  Coffee Break

ΤΗΕΜΕ 5 New Discoveries

18:10-18:30  Y. Cáceres Gutiérrez, S. Gilotte, C. Richarté, C. Capelli, J. de Juan Ares, Precedentes de las cerámicas decoradas almohades: estampillas, impresiones y motivos plásticos de época almorávide en Albalat (Cáceres, España)

18:30-18:50  F. Ravoire, N. Molina, La céramique en usage à Toulon (Var) à la période moderne: consommation et diffusion des productions, l’apport des fouilles de l’îlot Baudin

18:50-19:10  A. D’Alessio, C. La Serra, La ceramica graffita e ingobbiata a Cosenza. Decori, forme ed evoluzioni tra ‘500 e ‘700

19:10-19:30  A. Meo, P. Orecchioni, I contesti ceramici di Mazara del Vallo (TP) e Castronovo di Sicilia (PA) tra IX e XIII secolo. I primi dati

19:30-19:50  M. G. Randazzo, Middle-Byzantine Glazed Ware in the heart of the Latin Western Mediterranean (12th-13th centuries): an up-to-date general overview and a restudy of Fine Sgraffito Wares from Sicily

19:50-20:10  I. Donnarumma, G. Liuzzi, Red line painted ware from Montella’s castle: new data and context

20:10-20:30  Discussion




National Hellenic Research Foundation, “L. Zervas” Amphitheater

ΤΗΕΜΕ 5 New Discoveries

09:00-09:20  P. Cressier, C. Delery, Le décor céramique de la mosquée almohade de la Qasba (Marrakech, Maroc)

09:20-09:40  M. Belatik, H. Limane, H. Ammar, A. S. Ettahiri, Discovery of a medieval pottery Quarter in Salé (Morocco)

09:40-10:00  A. De Vincenz, Didymoteicho imports in Ottoman Palestine

10:00-10:20  G. Yılmaz, N. Özkul Fındık, O. Aytekin, The Ceramics of Şavşat (Satlel) Castle

10:20-10:40  A. Çaylak Türker, Byzantine Pottery from Hexamilion on the Thracian Chersonese

10:40-11:00  N. Ginkut, Spanish Glazed Pottery from the excavations of the Genoese fortress Cembalo (14th-15th c.) Crimea

11:00-11:20  Discussion

11:20-11:40  Coffee Break

11:40-12:00  S. Xhyheri, S. Muçaj, The Pottery from the Monastery of Saint Mary, Ballsh (Glavinica)

12:00-12:20  E. Cirelli, The medieval pottery from Phoinike (Albania)

12:20-12:40  E. Todorova, J. Radnjanski, Medieval Pottery from Stobi

12:40-13:00  G. Makris, Medieval and Post-Medieval Pottery from Molyvoti, Thrace

13:00-13:20  E. Gerousi–Bendermacher, The ceramic evidence from the city of Ancient Thera of the 8th and 9th centuries

13:20-13:40  E. Tzavella, A harbour in Eastern Crete: Amphora typology in Priniatikos Pyrgos, 7th-9th centuries

13:40-14:00  Discussion

14:00-15:30  Lunch Break

15:30-15:50  Αik. Tsanana, K. Amprazogoula, Céramique à pâte blanche du type Polychrome Ware provenant de Chalcidique (Grèce du Nord)

15:50-16:10  S. Vasileiadou, Μαγειρικά και επιτραπέζια σκεύη από τη βυζαντινή Θεσσαλονίκη. Ευρήματα της ανασκαφής του ΜΕΤΡΟ στον Σταθμό Αγίας Σοφίας

16:10-16:30  Κ. Konstantinidou, Εφυαλωμένη βυζαντινή κεραμική της ανασκαφής του ΜΕΤΡΟ Θεσσαλονίκης στον Σταθμό Βενιζέλου

16:30-16:50  S. Tzevreni, Σύνολα αμφορέων από την περιοχή εκτός των δυτικών τειχών της Θεσσαλονίκης. Ευρήματα των ανασκαφών του ΜΕΤΡΟ στο σταθμό Πλατείας Δημοκρατίας

16:50-17:10  M. Païsidou, Βυζαντινή εφυαλωμένη κεραμική από την περιοχή της Μονής Αγίας Θεοδώρας Θεσσαλονίκης

17:10-17:30  Discussion

17:30-17:50  Coffee Break

17:50-18:10  E. F. Athanassopoulos, K. Shelton, Medieval Coarse Wares from the Nemea Stadium

18:10-18:30  G. D. R. Sanders, Renaissance Period pottery at Corinth dated by Tessere Mercantile and Mould Blown Glass

18:30-18:50  Ν. Vassilakis, Κεραμική από το Grottaglie της Απουλίας στην Πάτρα

18:50-19:10  V. Papadopoulou, N. Liaros, Νεότερη κεραμική από την Άρτα, 16ος-19ος αι.

19:10-19:30  N. Liaros, Ένα Αρχιπέλαγος κεραμικών. Νέα δεδομένα για την παραγωγή κεραμικής στο Αιγαίο στις αρχές του 19ου αιώνα

19:30-19:50  Discussion

19:50  P. Petridis, Closing remarks





ΤΗΕΜΕ 1. Workshops and ceramic technology

R. B. da Silva, A. Bargão, A. I. Barradas, S. Ferreira, Small Vessels, Great Significance: 16th and 17th portuguese fine redware from the Hospital Real de Todos-os-Santos, Lisbon

T. Manuel-Casimiro, C. Boavida, 16thand 17th centuries lead glazes from Carnide (Lisbon)

F. Agrò, Innovazione e tradizione nelle produzioni ceramiche della Sicilia di XIV et XV secolo

S. Fiorilla, G. Larinà, La produzione della maiolica attraverso i rinvenimenti della fornace di S. Agata di Caltagirone (Catania)

E. Hasaki, K. Raptis, The WebAtlas of Ceramic Kilns in Ancient Greece; its Contribution to Medieval Ceramic Studies

M. G. Vasile, Byzantine Heritage in Glazed Pottery Production of Late 15thc. Moldavia

Ş. Kaya, E. Özlem, “Kiln materials” among the findings of the Iznik tile kilns excavation

A. Shapiro, Ottoman Tobacco Smoking Pipes from ‘Akko: fabrics and shapes



ΤΗΕΜΕ 2. Ceramology and archaeometry

M. Beltrame, A. Candeias, J. Mirão, Archaeometric Investigation of Islamic Ceramic from Caçela Velha, Portugal

C. Talmatchi, M. Manolova-Voykova, R. Bugoi, C. Haita, Interdisciplinary studies regarding the golden engobe pottery discovered in Romania and Bulgaria

I. Teslenko, Y. Waksman, N. Ginkut, Late Byzantine imports in the Crimea: archaeological contexts and archaeometric investigations

A. P. Panagopoulou, J. Vroom, V. Kilikoglou, A. Hein,A preliminary study of the production technology of Byzantine ceramics in Chalkis



ΤΗΕΜΕ 3. Pottery as a factor of commercial exchanges and shipwrecks

R. C. da Silva,Imported pottery in Coimbra (Portugal) from 16th century contexts

C. Richarté-Manfredi, Navires et marchandises islamiques du littoral provençal. Indices matériels d’une dynamique commerciale en Méditerranée occidentale (fin IXe – Xe s.)

F. Agrò, Nuovi datti sulle importazioni iberiche in Sicilia tra il XII e il XV secolo

S. Fiorilla, G. Di Stefano, La circolazione ceramica nel casale di Camarina (Ragusa)

F. Lico, Contributo per una carta di distribuzione dell’invetriata policroma in Calabria

E. Pezzini, Le produzioni di ceramica da fuoco circolanti a Palermo nel bassomedievo

A. Vassiliou, Protomaiolica in Argolis: an Early Type of Italian Maiolica

K. Gerolymou, Εφυαλωμένη κεραμική δυτικής προέλευσης από την Κυπαρισσία και την Κορώνη: επιλεγμένα παραδείγματα

D. Kourkoumelis, A. Tourtas, Common ware from the cupboard of the brig MENTOR shipwrecked at Cythera at 1802

O. Vassi, P. Valakou, Κεραμική της δυτικής Μεσογείου (Ισπανία, Ιταλία) στη Χίο από τον 14οέως τον 17ο αιώνα

S. Konstantinidou, Imported Italian Pottery in East Crete

P. Androudis, Η εισηγμένη κεραμική του 14ουαιώνα στον χώρο της Μακεδονίας και της Θράκης: πρώτες καταγραφές και παρατηρήσεις

M. Christova-Penkova, L’influence byzantine sur la poterie de Pliska

M. Tymoshenko, I. Morozova, S. Zelenko,Graffiti on Amphorae from the 13th-century Shipwreck near Sudak (Crimea)

S. Zelenko, A. Kulagin,The Cypriot production related ware Ceramics from the Northern Black Sea region, Crimea

Y. Morozova, The Port St. Symeon Related Ware from the Northern Black Sea region, Crimea

M. Tymoshenko, Stamps on Byzantine Amphorae from Kyiv

V. Koval, Byzantine vessel from Northern Russia



ΤΗΕΜΕ 4. Pottery as a factor of social cohesion or differentiation

T. Nunes da Ponte, Early medieval muslim ceramics contexts from the archeological site Torre Velha 9, Serpa (Alentejo, Portugal)

T. Nunes da Ponte, Rural settlements, landscape and pottery studies, the example of a micro-regional approach: The Ribeira da Lago valley, Serpa (Alentejo, Portugal)

J. R. Santos, M. Beltrame, Povoamento e cultura material no eixo territorial entre Alcácer do Sal e Mérida durante a Taifa de Badajoz (século XI)

S. Gómez-Martinez, C. Déléry, S. Cavaco, C. Coelho, J. Covaneiro, I. C. Fernandes, S. Gomes, M. J. Gonçalves, I. Inácio, M. Liberato, C. Santos, J. Bugalhão, H. Catarino, Os nomes das loiças. Ensaio de harmonização terminológica na cerâmica islâmica do al-Andalus

A. Briano, F. Grassi, J.A. Quiros Castillo, The fourteenth century domestic supply of the Jewish quarter of Pancorbo (Burgos, Spain)

M. G. Randazzo, Echoes of late medieval banquets among Sicilian nobility (13th-15th centuries): notes on coated table-wares from the ‘Castello di Lombardia’ of Enna (Guzzardi’s excavations 1998-2002)



ΤΗΕΜΕ 5. New Discoveries

M. F. Palma, A cerâmica no alfoz de Mértola entre os séculos VIII e XIII. Primeiros resultados

A. C. Barroso Rosa, A loiça de mesa em época moderna: o exemplo do espólio recuperado de uma fossa em Carnide (Lisboa)

S. Gilotte, Y. Cáceres Gutiérrez, C. Richarté, Ma A. Martínez Núñez, C. Capelli, J. de Juan Ares, Une jarre singulière à décoration architectonique: un modèle précurseur des productions almohades ?

T. Fernández, N. Miró, M. Soberón, Late medieval materials found inside the Rec Comtal, in the section preserved in the archeological site of the Born in Barcelona

F. Bahri, V. Sacco, C. Touihri, Des nouvelles données de l’étude de la céramique du Xe-XIesiècle de Qasr al-Alyia (Tunisie)

V. Castaldo, S. Sannino, La ceramica medievale e postmedievale dai contesti inediti del complesso monumentale di Santa Maria del Pozzo a Somma Vesuviana

F. A. Cuteri,Vasi in terracotta per la produzione dello zucchero in Calabria nell’ età moderna (XVII-XVIII sec.)

E. D’Amico, A group of Glazed Slip Tableware with green decoration from Messina

S. Patitucci, Nuove ceramiche tardo-medievali da Taranto (Puglia – Italia)

S. Fiorilla, A. Sammito, Le ceramiche delle fortificazioni normanne di Modica (Ragusa)

L. Kormazopoulou, Ch. Diamanti, Pottery from the neighboring caves of Ag. Ioannis and Cyclops in Iraklia

N. Saraga, K. Tsogka, Κεραμεική της Μέσης Βυζαντινής περιόδου από πηγάδι του Βυζαντινού οικισμού της Αρχαίας Αγοράς

P. Kalamara, Κεραμική από σωστική ανασκαφή στην καρδιά της μεσαιωνικής πόλης – κάστρου της Χαλκίδας, πρώτη προσέγγιση

Chr. Koutsikou, La présence de la céramique médiévale dans les collections privées grecques

N. Beteinis, Oros Oxa survey (East Crete): The byzantine amphorae

G. Theocharis, E. Manolessou, Βυζαντινή κεραμική από τον Άγιο Δημήτριο Θεσσαλονίκης στο Βυζαντινό και Χριστιανικό Μουσείο

Ö. Çömezoğlu Uzbek, Byzantine Glazed Ceramics from the Excavations of Damatris Palace in Istanbul

A. Ricci, R. Whomann, A Late Byzantine garbage pit from Küçükyalı (Istanbul); content and context

B. Demirsar Arlı, H. Arlı, “Glazed bricks” among the findings of Iznik tile kiln excavations

S. Bocharov, A. Maslovskiy, Glazed pottery with decoration of splashes of brown (manganese) color in Byzantium, Northern Black Sea Region and Eastern Europe in the 13th-14th centuries

Ο. Damian, A. Samson, M. G. Vasile, Green Glazed Pottery from Byzantium settlements on the Lower Danube during the 10thto 11thCenturies

G. Sengalevich, Medieval Sgraffito Ceramics with Underglaze Monograms from Bulgaria

A. Samson, Fantastic Beasts Representations on Decorative Ceramics of Moldavia in the 15th-16th Centuries

I. Teslenko, G. Gavris, Images of birds on the glazed ceramics from Crimean workshops